วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Successful Strategies For Improving Your Teaching Of Adding Up

Adding is an idea that a large number of students find difficult to
master. Hopefully, this article will present practical solutions to assist
teachers and parents working with children who experience difficulties
when learning to add.

For most children, joining sets of physical objects is their most basic
experience of addition. This strategy simply involves collecting two
groups of objects, and then counting up how many objects there are in
total. ie. the simple question 5 + 3 can be solved by building two towers
of blocks, and counting up every block that has been used. A significant
minority of children, particularly those with problems with attention, can
find this approach very challenging. If the child is unable to hold their
attention for the duration of the activity, blocks will be put awry, one
of the towers will end up with extra blocks, blocks will get mixed up, and
by the end of the activity the incorrect answer is arrived at. The length
of the process, and its lack of transferability, mean that if the child in
question does not grasp the concept quickly, they are unlikely to proceed
at all. In addition, it is difficult to extend this methodology into a
solution that can be tackled mentally: for example, try to imagine two
large sets of cubes in your mind, and then count them up accurately. Even
for adults, this is almost impossible.

An alternative to the lengthy process discussed above is to use jottings.
Write out the sum on a piece of a paper. Alongside the first number, draw
the appropriate number of circles (for instance, for the number 8, draw 8
circles). Ask your student how many circles you'll need to draw alongside
the other number in the sum. After they arrive at the right answer, tell
them to draw the circles. Finally, ask them how many circles they have
drawn on the page. This is a much easier method of bringing together 2
groups, is better suited to students with poor attention, and is less
likely to be subject to mechanical error. It also encourages the student
to relate what the written sum "says", and why they are drawing a certain
number of circles.

Playing board games is both enjoyable and a learning experience. Games
that involve moving counters around a board (such as Ludo), do much to
encourage children to count on. The child is needed to count the spots on
the die, and move their playing piece along a corresponding number of
places. If the board has numbers on it, the child can even see that the
action is similar to counting out loud or using a number square. When
using board games, always remember to emphasise the connections between
this and adding up.

A fantastic way of assisting students to acquire valuable addition skills
is by allowing them to become familiar with money. You being by putting
out a handful of pennies, and then help your student to count up the
money, by tapping each coin sequentially and counting out loud. As you are
using pennies, this is isn't difficult at all, as you are only required to
count the number of coins. Now make the activity more demanding by
including a 2p coin. When you get to this coin, say to your student that
they are going to have to count it twice, because it is a 'two'. Count
each of the coins as you did earlier, touching each as you go, but when
you arrive at the 'two', tap it two times. Include further twos, and
practise counting each one a relevant number of times. This easy activity
will help your student add up quite long sums of money without using
apparatus, and see the very real connection between counting and addition.
Both before and after, tell the student that they are learning about

As a rule, our ability to solve addition in our minds is based on number
facts we have learnt. We do not need to compute the solution to 5 add 6,
we can remember it. Being able to remember a wide range of number facts
allows us to tackle simple mathematics easily and quickly. Develop your
student's awareness of number facts by singing rhymes together that tell
stories of number. Try taking part in the game of matching pairs with your
student, where the point of the game is identify the location of the
question (eg. 3+4) and its answer from a set of cards all turned face
down. Assemble a pack of flashcards with simple addition facts printed on
them, pass them the cards one at a time, and then ask your child for the
answer, providing plenty praise when they say the correct answer. Now add
to the number of facts. Providing an activity that is pleasurable will
help stop your child looking at mathematics as tedious.

Practise makes perfect. The correct form of practise also lends greater
confidence. By using simple worksheets and printables, aimed towards your
child's level of skill, you can improve the student's ability with
addition, both practically and in their head. There are lots of free sites
on the web that offer printables to support the teaching of adding up;
however, it does matter what maths worksheets you use. Check that the
worksheets are of an appropriate length to maintain your child's interest
and are differentiated at the right level, being neither too difficult,
nor too easy. You should really be using sums that encourage their
recollection of number bonds, mixed in with a handful of sums your student
hasn't seen before. On the occasions that your student finds the correct
answer, provide plenty of praise. If they get confused, do not look
disappointed, but briefly explain how to solve the problem. In other
words, using adding up worksheets and printables shrewdly can really
improve your child's ability.

Free Printable Card a Way to Save Hard Earned Money

are the best solution for parents who are strapped for cash when they can
rack up big-time savings by printing free cards for kids off of the
internet. Back then nobody had heard about free printable. The 21st
century has brought a new era of uprising in every field possible free
printable cards is one of it. They are a great resource for free stuff
that you can print from your own computer. There are free printable
available for everything from birthday party invitations and greeting
cards to cute crafts and other fun stuff that will help you keep the kids
busy. Free Printable cards help save money when every penny you are
earning counts. The printable cards can be printed directly from the
internet that to free of charge. Planning your child's birthday party
should be a lot of fun, but doing so with financial constraints often
takes the fun out of it. So, one can count on free printable cards. Free
printable also makes a mothers life easier by a click of button she can
print her own party favor, invitation, birthday cards, shower cards,
Christmas card and so on. Free printable cards have printed messages or
blank texts where one can type messages. Printed texts are suitable for
those who find difficulty in expressing thanks in their own words. In
blank texts, one can write own words or copy and paste messages. It is
also possible to change the style and design of cards in most cases.
Invitations can be a major cost, especially for large parties, like
weddings and some baby showers. However, with a little creativity and time
you can make your own printable invitations, even if you have no artistic

Search the wide selection of different printable cards for different
special occasions like:

Printable Christmas cards: personalized Christmas card is the perfect gift
this season, have fun in adding colors and special message to make it

Printable Birthday cards: personalise a birthday card by adding colors,
personal touch and special message.

Printable Valentine day cards: have fun in adding touching words and
drawing to stir the heart of your loved ones in the day of hearts.

Printable Easter cards: Easter is one of the most important festival that
Christians celebrate. Have fun in sending these cards to family, friends
and especially to kids and greet them as the lord has risen.

Printable mother cards: Let your mother know how much you love and
appreciate them by personalizing these cards. Have fun and make them laugh
a bit by adding jokes or make them cry by telling them the best memories
that you have together.

วันอังคารที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Mobile Phones With Free Gifts - Doubling the Benefits

There are so many companies which are offering mobile phones with free
gifts. The most famous names among these companies include Nokia,
Motorola, LG, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, Samsung and many other notable
brands. All these brands are established in the market. The handsets of
these companies are very stylish and affordable. The devices from these
companies satisfy almost every basic desire and expectation of the users.
Finally, the handsets of these companies are known for high durability and

The market is flooded with mobile phones with free gifts. These handsets
are available in different colours, size and shapes. The manufactures of
the handsets satisfy the need of almost every consumer by providing
gadgets in different price ranges. Some of the most popular among these
handsets in the market include LG KC 910, Blackberry9500 Storm, Samsung
i8510, Nokia N96 and Nokia N95 and some other gadgets. The above devices
are market leaders and come with very innovative features.

Talking about the LG Kc 910, it is a very stylish handset that come with
large screen and has a high resolution. The device has got built- in
camera. Another advanced gadget is the Blackberry 9500 Storm. This sleek
looking device comes with 3.25 TFT screen and has a high resolution of 360
x 480. This wonderful device has other notable features like1 GB storage
memory, Bluetooth, USB and 3 mega pixels camera.

One more exciting handset which is in the limelights is the Samsung i8510.
This lovely device is equipped with 2.0-inch TFT display and 16 GB flash
memory. Further, the gadget is fitted with 8 mega pixels camera and great
battery back-up. Speaking about Nokia N95 and Nokia N96 handsets. These
are highly recognised handsets and come with great music features and
camera features.

Some free gifts that include with these latest mobile phones are Laptops,
Xbox 360, Sony PS3, camcorders and Nintendo Wii, LCD TV, 12 months free
line rental, Wii Fit, iPod Classic, iPod Nano Pink, Digi-Photo frame and
many more. Apart from these, one can get different other offers along with
these handsets like free text messages, free minutes, long validity etc.

So, avail these mobile phones with free gifts and save lots of your money.
The strategy of offering handsets with free gifts is for limited time only
and it is for the sake of promotion. If you are looking for mobile phones
and want to get some valuable exciting gifts, this is the best time for
you. Visit Internet and browse every details about these handsets with
free gifts.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Can You Find Quality Magnetic Therapy Products?

Do you want to try magnetic therapy products, but you don't want to get
cheap ones that won't work effectively? There are many different quality
magnetic therapy products that you can get. You just need to know where to
find them and you need to remember that they will cost more than some of
the other products available because they are of good quality. So, if you
are willing to pay a little higher price for magnets for pain products to
ensure that the products look good and work the most effectively for you,
then here are the ways that you can use to find them. You will want to use
more than one way and do your research before you decide what to get.

One: Talk to your doctor because they can tell you the best place to go
for getting products. They know which ones you want to use and which ones
won't do you any good. Plus, you never want to use any magnetic healing
products unless you have talked to your doctor first.

Two: The internet is the best place to find quality magnetic therapy
products. You can find a lot of different magnetic therapy products
online, but you have to take the time to go through all of the ones that
you find before you decide what to get. There are so many different
choices online that it will definitely take you some time to look.

You need to figure out which type of product you will need before you
start looking online. In other words, do you need to have magnetic
jewelry, a magnetic mattress pad or pillow pad, or another type. This will
help you narrow down your search and save you a lot of time. Just don't
rush your decision because if you do then you will not get the best one or
most effective one for you.

Three: Another place you can look is at a local store near you, if there
are any that has magnet pain relief products. You will have to research in
your local area to find these places.

These are the best ways for you to find quality magnetic therapy products
that will look good and be the most effective for relieving your pain. So,
get started today and start searching until you find the one that you want
the most and that will help you the most. Don't rush your decision and
before you know it you will find that you are living with a lot less pain
than you normally do.

How to Make Simple Old Fashion Cakes like Grandma used to Make

There are just times when it seems going back to Grandma's recipes seems
the thing to do. Times were simple, work was hard, kids played hard--no
TV to watch, and the desserts were simple but very good and satisfying.
Let these cakes take you back to those simpler times. Peanut Cake is so
simple even beginning bakers can easily make it. This is also true of the
Boiled Spice Cake and the Walnut Bundt Cake!


1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup lard**
1 egg
1 cup sour milk*
1 tsp soda
1 cup ground salted peanuts
1 1/2 cups flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all ingredients together in the order listed. Grease and flour a 9 x
13-inch pan. Pour batter into pan and bake for 30 to 35 minutes.

*buttermilk **you can replace lard with shortening or butter


2 cups water
3/4 cup cooking oil
2 cups raisins
2 cups sugar
2 tsps cinnamon
2 tsps nutmeg
1 tsp ground cloves
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a 2-qt saucepan, bring the water, cooking oil, raisins, sugar,
cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves to a boil. Boil mixture for 10 minutes then
allow to cool. Add the flour, baking soda, baking powder, eggs, and salt.
Mix the batter well and pour into a well greased and floured 13 x 9-inch
baking pan. Bake 30 to 40 minutes until the cake tests done.


1 cup soft shortening
3/4 cup milk
4 eggs, unbeaten
3 cups sifted cake flour
1 3/4 cups sugar
2 tsps baking powder
1 1/2 tsps salt
2 tsps vanilla extract
1 cup very finely chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Into a large bowl sift flour with sugar, baking powder and salt. Drop in
shortening and 2 eggs; pour in milk and vanilla. Beat 2 minutes at medium
speed. Add 2 eggs, beat as before. Fold in nuts. Turn into greased Bundt
pan or tube pan. Bake 1 hour. Cool 10 to 15 minutes before removing from
pan. Cool. Make a glaze by combining 2 tablespoons light corn syrup and 2
teaspoons butter or margarine in a small saucepan. Boil 3 minutes but no
longer. Place walnut halves or pieces on top of cake, if desired. Pour the
boiled glaze over the top allowing to run down the sides. Note: This cake
freezes well.


Getting a Job in Music in the Therapy Field

When you mention that you have a job in music, not many people think about
the therapy field, but musical therapy jobs are becoming more and more in
demand. A musical therapist works will all kinds of different people who
may have disabilities or other complications in life. This is a very
rewarding job in music, but can also be quite difficult to handle.

A musical therapist can work in a variety of different settings. Just some
of those settings include psychiatric hospitals, mental health centers,
nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, children daycare of special needs
centers, and hospice centers. As a musical therapist, you would provide
adults and children with services that help them learn or cope through
music. You may be working with children who have speech disorders or
learning disabilities, or you may be in a mental health center using music
to help with neurological and mental disorders.

This type of job in music is definitely not for everybody. You have to
have a lot of patience for this job, and you have to enjoy being around
people and teaching them. Musical therapists will not only need to have an
education in therapy, but they will also need a background in music to
meet the proper requirements for musical therapists.

A great way to get experience in this type of job in music is to do
volunteer work for nursing homes, educational centers, and any other
setting that involves this type of therapy or people who may have
disabilities. This is a great way to also see if this kind of job is for
you or you should pursue another job in music.

A musical therapist is just one of the many different jobs that are
involved in the music business. If this type of job does not interest you,
then check out other jobs in music that is more to your style.

For More Details Visit: http://www.music-career-help.com/

Are video game testing jobs actually fun

Are video game
testing jobs actually fun?

This depends on your definition of fun to be honest. If you love problem
solving, analyzing, and writing reports then this is the job for you.
Remember testing games is a real job and isn't what websites and other
articles make it. You don't get to actually play the games, but rather
analyze them and you have to write detailed reports.

For example, if you're testing a game and you run into a bug you can't
just write "I jumped on the box and fell through" instead it should be
like "I jumped through the brown box found under the bridge in stage C and
when crouched at a certain spot found on top of the box the character
falls through the world." It's not that hard you just have to get detailed
and especially not lazy.

However, it's not all boring like I make it sound you actually do get to
play the game at one point and give your opinion on what could change to
make the game better. For example, if you were to play a game like Wrath
of the lich king you could explore and note things that could improve the
gamer's experience. I consider this the fun part because I love it when a
game is released and I see my little detail in the game I feel as if it is
my signature.

Make sure to read my other articles for more information and of course to
visit my website for full guides on how to be a video game tester step by
step - http://EasyGameTester.com


Wow gold---Time is Money: On patrol

Do you have any wow gold buying tips? If you have leave me here please. I
want to be a super game player who handles more wow gold. Do you have any
tips about it? How do you get wow gold in your opinion? Farm or buy? I
have played this game for a long time and I want to quit now and earn more
wow gold and then sell.

Kebina Trudough here, offering you the best gold making secrets they don't
want you to know about! I was like you once, poor and homely, before I
discovered my patented system. Now you too can fill your pockets with the
good stuff without ever breaking a sweat! Why spend all your time toiling
when you could be vacationing in the Hot Springs? I'm not offering these
tips for 100 gold, or 90 gold, or even 50 gold! No, not even 20 gold! My
system is yours for FREE! Satisfaction guaranteed or I'll give you a full
refund (handling charges may apply).

How would you like to make 45g in less than 20 minutes per day? Act
quickly, and they'll throw in 850 Argent Crusade reputation and a shot at
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Individual results may vary. If you are not level 80 yet, you won't make
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So how can you take advantage of this once-a-day offer? By going on a
Troll Patrol of course! You need to finish in 20 minutes or less to get
the full benefits, but lucky for you, I have all the tips to get you

If you've been hiding under a rock these past few months (and who doesn't
do that every now and then, really?) you might have only just noticed that
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through the wild and wacky wonders of the Call of the Crusade. Let's take
a look at what the latest patch holds for you - and there's something for
you no matter what kind of player you are - after the jump.

Of course there are some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company
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Buy cheap wow gold

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Copy Xbox 360 Games and Play Them in 3 Easy Steps

Would you like to learn how you can copy and play your own Xbox 360 video
games in a couple of steps? Then simply keep on reading as the aim of this
article is to teach you exactly that. Before I teach you these three
simple steps you're going to need items that will allow you to copy video

You will need game copying software, blank disks, original games, a
computer and a step by step tutorial is also very helpful if you're new to
copying video games, this is however an optional requirement as you will
soon pick up the process very quickly.

The game copying software is an essential part of the process as no normal
copying software will work simple because video games have a higher
encryption rate than music disks or movies. The software you pick is
completely up to you, some of them work well and some of them don't, just
make sure you do research first.

Once you have selected the software that suits your needs simply install
it on your computer by inserting the disk and waiting for the installation
wizard asking you to install, select yes and wait for the installation to
become complete. The second step in this easy process is to now run the
program that you previously installed, once the program is up and running
it will ask you to insert a game and a blank disk, which will lead us onto
our third and final step. Insert the blank disk and the original game
disk; you will then have to wait a couple of minutes while the information
is transferred from the video game to the blank disk.

How To Make A Blueberry Bundt Cake With Vanilla Glaze

When it comes to summer parties and serving a homemade dessert, I like to
bake bundt style cakes. This recipe is one of my favorites because I use
fresh blueberries that are in season. They are most plentiful during the
months of May through September. They can be eaten raw or used in cooking
and baking for cakes, pies, pudding, jams, jellies, granola mixes,
muffins, breads or cereals.

Here is a little known health fact about blueberries. They are a great
source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fiber. Health
reports have shown that they may help to reduce the symptoms of
Alzheimer's disease and reduce urinary tract infections. Additional health
studies have shown that they can also help to reduce cholesterol levels.

Blueberry Bundt Cake

3 cups un-sifted flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

Lightly grease and flour a 10" round tube pan. Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Sift 3 cups of flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt
together in a large bowl; set aside. In a small bowl, combine brown sugar
with 1 teaspoon of flour and cinnamon, stirring to mix the ingredients.

In a large bowl, beat the softened butter, granulated sugar and vanilla
extract together until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well
between each addition. At low speed, beat flour mixture alternating with
sour cream into the mixture. Pour 1/3 of the batter into the baking pan.
Sprinkle half of the blueberries and half of the brown sugar mixture;
repeat layers.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 50-60 minutes. Cool for 20 minutes
in the pan before removing the cake. You can glaze the top of the cake if

Vanilla Glaze

1 1/2 tablespoons water
2 cups confectioners sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons corn syrup
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients in a medium sized bowl and blend until smooth.
Drizzle over the blueberry cake.

Butter Pound Cake Recipe

This is a really rich pound cake which is tasteful alone or with ice cream
or a fruit topping such as peaches. This is probably one of the best if
not the best pound cake recipe I have ever made. I have made cream cheese,
sour cream,buttermilk, etc and whipping cream still seems to be the best
to me. This cake is very moist, easy to make and very delicious. Oh, my
goodness talk about exceptional! This cake is so incredibly good! These
classic cakes have a dense crumb, a tender, moist texture and a rich,
buttery taste.Bakers use the creaming method-beating the fat and sugar
together to hold air bubbles-and chemical liveners like baking powder,
rather than beaten eggs like sponge cakes and angel food cakes to create
their fine texture. Some recipes also call for chemical liveners baking
powder or baking soda, milk, buttermilk or sour cream, flavoring extracts,
and a pinch of salt to heighten the flavors. Over-mixing, which would
cause the cookies to spread flat when baking, is hard to do when creaming
butter and sugar for a cake. Since there are so few ingredients in these
cakes, use high-quality butter and pure flavoring extracts, measure with
perfect accuracy and follow the recipe directions to achieve the best
results. This is my favorite style of pound cake, resulting in a firm cake
that is great for cubing, slicing or snacking it's highly addictive and is
great for dipping in ganaches and creams or sauces. Butter Pound cake

Ingredients 1 cup butter 1 8-ounce package cream cheese 6 eggs 3 cups
all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2-1/4 cups
sugar 1/4 cup poppy seed 2 teaspoons vanilla Directions 1. Allow butter,
cream cheese, and eggs to stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, grease and lightly flour a 10-inch tube pan; set aside. Combine
flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside. 2. In a large mixing bowl beat
butter and cream cheese with an electric mixer on medium to high speed
about 30 seconds or until softened. Gradually add sugar, 2 tablespoons at
a time, beating on medium speed about 5 minutes or until very light and
fluffy. Add poppy seed and vanilla. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating on low
to medium speed 1 minute after each addition and scraping bowl frequently.
Gradually add flour mixture, beating on low speed just until combined.
Pour batter into prepared pan. 3. Bake in a 325 degree F oven about 75
minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near center comes out clean.
Cool in pan on wire rack 15 minutes. Remove from pan. Cool thoroughly on
wire rack. Drizzle Lemon Icing over cake. Makes 16 servings. Gooey Butter
Cake Recipe Easy butter cake recipe that yields moist and delicious butter
cake, with drool some butter cake pictures. Those butter cake slices look
so appetizing with afternoon coffee. For the crust: 1 (18.5 ounce)box of
yellow cake mix 1 egg 1 stick (1/2 cup) of butter, melted For the Filling:
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1
pound box of confectioners sugar 1 stick (1/2 cup) of butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 13x9x2-inch glass baking dish with
Non-Stick cooking spray. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the cake
mix, the egg, and the melted butter. Pat the dough down into the bottom of
the glass baking dish. Set aside. In the same bowl, mix together softened
cream cheese until smooth. Add the eggs and vanilla. Mix in the
confectioner's sugar. Beat well and then slowly add the butter until all
ingredients are well mixed. Pour onto crust and bake for 40 to 50 minutes.
When you go to take it out of the oven, it will seem awfully "gooey" in
the center but it will set up a bit as it cools. More tips at

Can You Really Meet Your Soul Mate Through a Telephone Medium?

Are romantic psychic readings real? One of the most common questions we
get are on the topic of love...and a gifted psychic's ability to "hook you
up" with the one you are destined to meet! But with so many skeptics and
cynics out there, trying to convince everyone it's actually possible is
silly....but if you are interested in meeting YOUR "other half", read on
as I answer some common questions.

Does a Psychic Really Know Who I'm Supposed to Meet?

It depends on who you believe. The good intuitive that I know and trust
will tell you that EVERYONE has some sort of romantic destiny, and that
tapping into that energy and visualizing that person is not too tough to
do if you're good. As a matter of fact, many good psychics will tell you
that YOU already know who that person is, and have a clear picture of what
they look like, smell like and where you'll meet them. The problem
is...your own intuition is buried so deeply in so many layers of "stuff",
that you're simply not sensitive enough to pick it up. This is where a
good intuitive can step in and simply extract and "un-pack" the
information that already is alive within in you.

But isn't finding all of this out expensive? Is having a romantic psychic
reading even worth it?

This always makes me laugh! Think about how much money we spend on "Mr and
Mrs Wrong"...the dinners, movies, drinks, vacations, gifts and otherwise.
A psychic reading, with a good and gifted psychic may cost you 25 or 30
dollars to discover what just MAY be your destiny, or at least make
finding him (or her) much, much faster! In my view...that's a really small
price to pay for that sort of insight, don't you agree? A good psychic is
like a GREAT investment - in your peace of mind, your enthusiasm and your
hope for a bigger, better and brighter future as well!

POP Quiz!

What is the Top Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!) Online
Readings That WILL Blow Your Mind?

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Top Tips to Choose Better Video Games

By comparing the outlay of the fixture, you would be able to get the best
tough of your picking. You can verify these tips then you would be able to
get the best amusement of certain equipment. The age grouped for which
gives offers and skills. When you hold a tape amusement for superstar
besides then respect his likes and dislikes.

While purchasing the record plucky, one should deem the age of the part
for which you might want to get a record willing. Checking the
authenticity of the mass would help you get the best capture contest. You
should forever exchange with the stow that conducts the transactions from
open servers. If you would grasp these sites, if you want to find the best
video pastime simply. There are different genres of videotape amusement.
There are several supplies which plug capture playoffs of different types.
Video sport open by the stores can also help to prevent any harms while
singing the willing. Video sported can be of different types. One should
prove the film playoffs that matches best with your passions and skills.
There are several reasons for whom, he wants to get the match.

These are intended for different types of players. You should excellent
the genre of the amusement depending on the record games.

Always verify the authenticity of the save when you purchase videotape
contest from the amusement.

Then curb the genre of the tape pastime. If you safeguard the genre of the
capture contest then you will not be able To goods a cassette willing, you
necessity to take attention of your selection. The popularity of the
capture sport has amplified significantly in the online supplies. To get
the greatest entertainment from them. Gamers have ideal This will also be
an excellent scale for gifts. There are several online stores which the
fixture is destined is mentioned on the website. Check the place charily
and know the age group for which the contest is doomed. By some sport.
This willing over other exciting sport. Many educational institutions
tender this amusement to the students due to the educational cost open By
checking the age group, you would be able to find the best resolute at the
cheapest penalty. Never grasp a pastime without glance its skin. People
have passions for different types of games. Check If you are a gamer then
you should goods the cartridge pastime that is best for your rationale.
The top tips of the experts can help you pick the record resolute that he
finds to be the best. If the tape ready that matches with your choices and
discounts on your skills as well as in the topical days.

Video sport was untaken in the food of your place as well as your likings.
If you do not excellent the genre tenderly then you acquire the diversion.

Video games are existing on different sites of the internet. Compare the
worth unfilled by different online stores before you would be able to find
the best fixture of your pick.

Defeating the Red Ring of Death

As a result of the numerous problems with Microsoft's Xbox 360, there has
been a noticeable increase in forums and blogs dedicated to the repair of
these faulty systems. Many people are offering ingenious, though sometimes
destructive, solutions to the Red Ring of Death error. Some of these
"solutions" are so potentially harmful to your system that even an
unsuccessful attempt can completely void your warranty - if it doesn't
destroy your system in the process.

The Red Ring of Death is the result of faulty design, and occurs when some
of the most critical components in your Xbox 360 overheat. Unfortunately,
when Microsoft rushed the release of this console, they bypassed some of
the bug testing, and failed to catch this flaw prior to the Xbox 360's
highly anticipated release. As a result, they were forced to deal with
countless lawsuits from angry customers. It is for this reason that
Microsoft now offers a three-year warranty to cover the damaging effects
of this error.

A lot of people don't have the patience to wait the weeks, or sometimes
months, it can take Microsoft to repair their console, and often resort to
do-it-yourself methods instead. One such method is to wrap your Xbox 360
in a towel and leave it running. The theory behind this is that your Xbox
360 is supposed to have a failsafe program that forces a hard system
restart when it overheats to a certain degree. While some people have
found this to be a temporary solution, it is not recommended - when your
system overheats to that degree, you risk permanently damaging the
motherboard and circuitry. Keep in mind, once a home remedy such as this
is attempted, your warranty is voided. So if your attempts are
unsuccessful, you run the risk of having to buy another system.

One method that has been strongly recommended of late is the use of one of
the repair kits available for order online. These kits are easy to use,
containing all the necessary parts and a set of easy to follow
instructions. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to fix the Red
Ring of Death available right now.

For full reviews of Red Ring of Death repair kits you can visit

How is Yoga Helpful in Our Day to Day Life?

is a way of life which helps to control mind and helps in developing your
personality. Yoga helps in reducing physical, mental and emotional stress.
If you practice Yoga everyday it can certainly help to reduce your stress
in the office.

The physical development as well as psychological improvement can be
obtained by Yoga. The proportionate body structure can lead to increase
your confidence. The stability of mind, increase in the concentration of
the mind can be obtained with the help of Yoga.

In our day to day life a human being is undergoing through different kinds
of Stress. He is always in search of sailing the ship on the way of
happiness and peace of mind.

His real happiness lies within himself only. The stable mind and well
tuned body can give him a real joy which does not vanish like our
materialistic happiness. These things can be achieved through Yoga. Yoga
can control the working of mind. It also helps in reducing some physical
and mental disorders.

Actually anytime is suitable for practising yoga if your stomach is empty.
Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable
for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for
practice, provided no additional food is taken in between. Yoga can be
practiced at all ages above twelve 12 years .It can be practiced at the
age of 80, years. But one should do only those asanas that are suitable to
one's physical conditions.

How To Make A Blueberry Bundt Cake With Vanilla Glaze

When it comes to summer parties and serving a homemade dessert, I like to
bake bundt style cakes. This recipe is one of my favorites because I use
fresh blueberries that are in season. They are most plentiful during the
months of May through September. They can be eaten raw or used in cooking
and baking for cakes, pies, pudding, jams, jellies, granola mixes,
muffins, breads or cereals.

Here is a little known health fact about blueberries. They are a great
source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fiber. Health
reports have shown that they may help to reduce the symptoms of
Alzheimer's disease and reduce urinary tract infections. Additional health
studies have shown that they can also help to reduce cholesterol levels.

Blueberry Bundt Cake

3 cups un-sifted flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

Lightly grease and flour a 10" round tube pan. Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Sift 3 cups of flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt
together in a large bowl; set aside. In a small bowl, combine brown sugar
with 1 teaspoon of flour and cinnamon, stirring to mix the ingredients.

In a large bowl, beat the softened butter, granulated sugar and vanilla
extract together until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well
between each addition. At low speed, beat flour mixture alternating with
sour cream into the mixture. Pour 1/3 of the batter into the baking pan.
Sprinkle half of the blueberries and half of the brown sugar mixture;
repeat layers.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 50-60 minutes. Cool for 20 minutes
in the pan before removing the cake. You can glaze the top of the cake if

Vanilla Glaze

1 1/2 tablespoons water
2 cups confectioners sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons corn syrup
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients in a medium sized bowl and blend until smooth.
Drizzle over the blueberry cake.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sexy Bitch Ringtone | David Guetta Ringtones - Download Sexy Bitch Ringtone

Sexy Bitch Ringtone by David Guetta ft. Akon is one of the hottest
ringtones in the world right now. Sexy Bitch is quickly becoming the most
popular songs in America. Sexy Bitch Ringtone is a perfect choice for your
next cell phone ringtone. David Guetta Ringtones have always sounded
awesome. If you are looking for a new ringtone for your phone, the Sexy
Bitch Ringtone is a great choice.

*** Click Here & Sign Up to Download This Ringtone Now! ***

Sexy Bitch has been rising up music charts over the past few weeks. The
song has been performing well on the Billboard Hot 100, Canadian Hot 100
and other global music charts. It is also one of the most popular
downloads on iTunes right now. The Sexy Bitch Ringtone was one of the most
frequently downloaded ringtones in the world last month and it has been
getting even more popular recently. David Guetta has released some awesome
singles lately, but Sexy Bitch is definitely one of the best. The Sexy
Bitch music video has received millions of views on internet sites such as
YouTube. Don't wait - use the link above to get this ringtone on your
phone now!

Click Here to Download David Guetta Ringtones on Your Cell Phone

Sexy Bitch Ringtone by David Guetta is the perfect choice for your cell
phone. David Guetta Ringtones are also a great option. These ringtones are
available to most mobile carriers in the United States and many global
cell phone carriers as well. Click on the link above and follow the
instructions on the next page to download your ringtones right now. Thank
you for reading this article about the Sexy Bitch Ringtone by David

XBOX 360 Halo 3 Multi player Tips, Tricks, Reviews, SWAT

What is SWAT? Halo 3's SWAT game is basically the same as Social Slayer,
kill the enemy get a point for your team. The main change is that there is
no armor, no over shield, no invisibility. You start with a BR and a
magnum and all it takes is a well placed head shot on the enemy and you
get an easy kill! Or is it so easy? SWAT will test your aiming skills,
no-scoping with the BR is a MUST!

SWAT Maps:

SWAT Construct
HC Isolation
SWAT Guardian
SWAT Ground
SWAT Epitaph
SWAT Blackout
SWAT Foundry
Cold SWATage
SWAT Epilogue
SWAT Magnums - HC Isolation
SWAT Magnums - SWAT Guardian
SWAT Magnums - SWAT Pit
SWAT Magnums - SWAT Town
SWAT Magnums - SWAT Construct
SWAT Magnums - Cold SWATage
SWAT Magnums - SWAT Blackout

SWAT Style:

Team Slayer
50 Kills to win
Weapons: Battle Rifle and Magnum/ Only Magnums
Damage Resistance: 150%
No Shields
Infinite ammo: Enabled
Weapon pickup: Enabled
Grenades: Map Default
Grenades on map: Yes
Weapons on map: Yes
Vehicles: Mongoose only
Indestructible vehicles: Disabled
Motion Tracker: Off
Friendly Fire: Enabled
Betrayal booting: Enabled
Rounds: 1
Time Limit: 12 minutes

There are NO vehicles (except for the mongoose), turrets, snipers,
rockets, shotguns (except for in ShWATguns gameplay), Or any other
"toys". Battle Rifles, Magnums, and Carbines, That's it. Playing SWAT
on XBOX Live is a MUST! It will get you better at head shots witch in
turn will improve your online play. Play a few rounds of the
challenging game of SWAT then go back to the SOcial Slayer playlist
and use the same strategies.


El Mejor Juego de Rol en Linea es Gratis?

Siempre imaginé como sería un juego de rol online que fuera enteramente
gratuito y que cuente con cientos de miles de participantes esperándote?

Sitio oficial de descarga del juego.

A comparación de otros juegos de rol online de última generación, este RPG
es 100%totalmente gratuito. Eso significa que este juego no cuesta ni un
centavo, ni que tampoco hay que pagar cuotas mensuales, ni tampoco es
obligatorio comprar nada. Es posible además comprar algunos items
especiales durante el juego, pero no es obligatorio.

Los habitantes de este mundo buscan todo lo posible para sobrevivir en una
época sumida en el caos.

Este es un juego de rol gratis en el que cientos de miles de jugadores
pueden vivir muchas y diferentes misiones y también mejorar su reputación
y habilidades en el modo de juego libre.

Los escenarios privados son lugares donde un personaje, se puede desahogar
jugando sólo.

Las ciudades son zonas seguras donde puedes abastecer tus provisiones

Los niveles públicos los pueden explorar multiples jugadores al mismo
tiempo. En el mundo en que se desarrolla el juego, hay muchos lugares por
descubrir y muchos personajes y monstruos por conocer.

Existen diferentes clases de héroes que puedes escoger en este RPG
gratuito. Cada clase de personaje posee sus propias fortalezas y
debilidades, su propio equipo y habilidades exclusivas para luchar contra
los enemigos.

Los caballeros poseen una gran capacidad de apoyo y realizan un buen
combate defensivo con el fin de proteger y ayudar a sus compañeros.

Los magos son maestros en el arte de la manipulación de maná y la
corriente de la vida, a través de los flujos constantes de energía que
recorren todo el mundo. Los magos son capaces de causar gran destrucción
y, por tanto, capaces de eliminar con rapidez a un enemigo, o incluso a un
grupo de enemigos. Sin embargo defensivamente son más vulnerables que
otros personajes.

Los ladrones disponen de una poderosa visión y sorprendente velocidad, que
va mucho más allá de las habilidades de una persona común. Las armas
preferidas por los ladrones son las dagas y las ballestas.

Los elfos tienen muchas similitudes con los magos humanos, poseen el mismo
don de manipular el maná.

Como muchos ya han aprendido dolorosamente, los hechiceros nunca están solos.

Cada personaje tiene algunos valores predeterminados de características,
que influyen en sus atributos. El aumento de valor de las características
influye en los atributos del personaje.

El aumento de la fuerza conlleva a un mayor número de puntos de daño que
puedes producir a tus enemigos.. La inteligencia determina lo bien que
aprende y razona tu personaje.. El aumento de la destreza conlleva a una
mayor velocidad en el ataque.. Los puntos de vida muestran el daño que un
personaje puede recibir antes de que muera.

El nivel de un personaje refleja lo poderoso que es. Cuando un personaje
sube un nivel, va a recibir bonificaciones permanentes en sus atributos y
la posibilidad de incrementar libremente en alguna de sus
características.. Cada clase de personaje puede acumular puntos de
experiencia, o bien por matar enemigos o bien por el cumplimiento de
misiones encomendadas. Los personajes pueden aprender habilidades, para
mejorar sus atributos especiales, mejorar las técnicas especiales de
combate o ataques mágicos que pueden afectar tanto a amigos como enemigos.

Los personajes no jugadores o como mejor son conocidos en inglés NPC,
ayudarán a los jugadores en el desarrollo del juego.

Artículo relacionados: Nuevo Juego de Rol Gratuito en Español

En definitiva este es un juego de rol impresionante y que tiene mucho que
ofrecer, además de ser cien por ciento gratuito y que puedes jugar desde
cualquier parte del planeta.

Yoga Beginners

If you're looking for a way to tone your body while calming your mind,
yoga may be the perfect fitness routine for you. This 5,000-year-old
workout involves moving in and out of a series of poses, positions and
postures while focusing on breathing techniques -- and chanting a few
"oms" along the way. Yoga will improve your flexibility and strengthen
your core muscles while banishing stress and tension. Can't twist your
body into a pretzel? No need to worry. With several different styles and
levels of yoga available, beginners will have no problems finding a yoga
workout that works for them.

Yoga is a wonderful physical and mental exercise. Not only does it add
flexibility and strength, but also helps you to focus mentally. Many
people are under the impression that yoga is about chanting and
meditating, but you can gain many physical benefits without this aspect.
Yoga elongates your muscles as it strengthens them, which causes you to
have a longer, leaner look. By practicing yoga two or three days a week,
you will begin to see results in your strength and flexibility within a
month. You do not need any specific equipment, just comfortable clothes.
Most people do not wear shoes, but feel free to do what ever makes you
most comfortable.

Warm up by walking briskly five or ten minutes, and then begin with the
Sun Salutation. Start by standing straight, feet together, hands down by
your side. Bend forward at the hips, arms and head hanging straight down.
Inhale and look straight ahead, exhale and step back with your right foot
into a lunge. Inhale and lift your arms overhead. Exhale and bend forward
to touch the ground on either side of your left foot. Move your left foot
back beside your right, forming a straight line with your body. This
resembles the "up" portion of a pushup. Exhale and lower your body to the
floor. As you inhale raise your upper body and look toward the sky. Exhale
as you lower you body. Now raise your hips, keeping your upper body on the
ground. This looks similar to a puppy, playfully bowing. Inhale, bring
your right foot forward and raise your upper body so that you are back in
a lunge position. Inhale and bring your left leg up to meet your right,
raising your self back into the forward bend. Slowly stand back up,
exhaling. Repeat this entire exercise and then try the three additional
poses listed below.

¤ Tree Pose- Begin by standing in an upright position, shoulders relaxed.
Place the palms of your hands together in a "prayer" position and place
the sole of your left foot against your inner thigh, calf or ankle,
depending on your flexibility. Raise your hands slowly over your head.
Hold this position for 5 complete breathes, slowly lower your arms back to
the "prayer" position, lower your leg, and then lower your hands to your

¤ The Crescent- Step back with your left leg, bending your right leg at
the knee, so that you are in a lunge position. Slowly raise your arms over
your head until your palms are touching. Make sure that your shoulders are
relaxed and hold this pose for 5 complete breaths. Bring your left leg
even with your right and gradually lower arms.

¤ Standing T- From your standing position, bend forward from your hips,
lifting your left leg straight out behind you. Keep your hips parallel to
the floor, and your arms stretched out behind you, beside your left leg.
Hold this pose for 5 complete breathes and then slowly lower your leg and
raise back into an upright position.

Repeat each of these exercises with your right leg, and then stand
quietly, hands by side and take 5 complete breaths. When you first begin,
you may just want to do the Sun Salutation, adding additional poses as you
get more comfortable. Also, if you cannot hold each pose for 5 breathes,
that is okay. These poses are trickier than they look requiring strength
and balance. Gradually increase the amount of time you can do each one.

Guide Review - Yoga for Beginners

It's being called the world's most advanced yoga training system, and has
been taught to everyone from Olympic Champions to stay-at-home moms. And
they've now made it available online to the public for the very first

The Runner's Yoga Program teaches you a proprietary thirty-minute yoga
routine you can do on your own, almost anywhere. A special audio program
comes with it to help remind you what to do.

It is a complete solution to mind-body fitness. And yes, it really only
takes thirty minutes. At the most! Imagine getting a complete yoga workout
to maintain your healthy body (and mind!) in just 30 minutes a day. With
the Runner's Yoga Program, you can!

The course comes with everything you need to learn the short routine.
(It's amazing what it does for you in just 30 minutes!) Including 7
illustrated e-manuals, detailed supplementary videos (with the optional
upgrade), and many bonuses to help you along the way. Plus, of course, the
incredible audio recording that talks you through every movement and every
breath. I think it's a great value, and is definitely worth every penny.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

With a pot of basil close by...even on your patio you will have all the makings of wonderful salads

Each year in a vegetable garden some things go well, some things are
disappointing, and, rarely there is a total failure. To balance that there
is the occasional surprising success. A salad made from freshly picked
lettuce from the garden is a wonderful experience.

Seeds of more and different sorts of lettuce are available both in
catalogues and in the stores and it
is a good idea to know what to look for. There are crisp head lettuces
such as the popular iceberg; softer leaved Butterhead lettuce such as
Buttercrunch, Romaine (or Cos) lettuce... a must for Caesar Salad and
finally a big choice of leaf lettuces which include the oakleaf varieties.
In all these categories there are both green leaved and red leaved
varieties, grown together they give a wonderful display of colour both in
the garden and on the salad plate. The red leaves however should be picked
when young as they grow older they will turn green and may taste slightly

It is the leaf lettuces which will be the most useful in containers. You
may even want to have a few containers if space permits. The great thing
about leaf lettuce is that you can start eating them as you thin the
plants to give them more space to grow and then as they get bigger you can
take leaves off them every time you want a salad, and still they grow.
When the hot weather starts it is wise to take the whole plant for your
salad as eventually they get tired of producing new leaves. You could then
fill the container with plants that have overgrown in your garden or

Lettuces need cool weather to germinate and grow well, they like a rich
well drained soil and plenty of water.
A mulch is a good idea as it keeps the soil cool and damp and I find that
it protects the plants from being spattered with mud in a rainstorm.
However it is very necessary to watch for slugs, this is easier in
containers than in the open ground. If possible keep continuous planting
going so you are never without salad. For most of the summer this is quite
easy but germinating the seeds in August for a fall crop is a challenge
and I have not yet found a sure way of succeeding.

There are a good many varieties of lettuce available in Canadian
catalogues, both Stokes Seeds and William Dam have a great selection more
probably than in the local garden outlets. However there are some special
ones which come from American sources, At Thompson and Morgan there are
packets of five different varieties of leaf lettuces in one package, each
packaged separately.
A perfect way of having a variety for salads and also a staggered
maturity in the plants, also there is a variety to choose from for
example three different mixes of mesclun.

Mesclun is a very popular salad mix, in fact the main ingredient of
Californian salad. It is a mixture of special baby greens both tangy and
mild. Seed mixtures are described as either mild or zesty. The greens can
be cut within a month of seeding and after being clipped will regrow for
another harvest. Like the lettuce the leaves of the plants are green, red
and even deep purple or bronze, it makes a delicious and colourful salad.

Tomatoes are a must for salad, they too can be planted into containers and
there are some that are specially grown just for containers.

Tomatoes need full sun, very rich soil and a great deal of water and the
one that has been my favorite for years is Sungold a very sweet golden
yellow cherry type.. However in Canada both Stokes Seeds and William Dam
list tomatoes specially chosen for containers. Stokes also lists a striped
tomato appropriately named Tigrette, it is plum shaped with yellow and red
stripes and ornamental yellowish green foliage. Garden centres also sell
the containers with already healthy plants; especially patio cherry

With a pot of basil close by on your patio or deck you will have all the
makings of wonderful salads. More ideas from Sandra or Rachel at

Applebee's Restaurant Recipes - How to Copycat Your Favorite Applebee's Menu Item

Have you ever wanted to make the same delicious food that you enjoy at
Applebees? There may be a way for you to save a lot of money by preparing
the same delicious meal at home. Here are a few ways to try to copycat
your favorite Applebee's restaurant recipe:

1.) You may be able to obtain the recipe from the restaurant by visiting
their website or by asking the waiter for a copy. Some chefs are flattered
that someone would ask for their recipe. You may have already identified
most of the ingredients in the recipe just by taste and appearance. If you
just need to figure out a few unique ingredients, don't be afraid to ask
what they are.

2.) Reverse engineering is another method you could try to reproduce the
restaurant's recipe. Order the dish as carryout, take it home, and analyze
it. You can make a game of trying to identify different ingredients in the
dish by taste. Some people are really good at this, so invite your friends
to help. Once you've identified the basic ingredients, experiment by
trying different combinations of seasonings and cooking methods.

3.) Compare the taste of your experimental dish to the carryout food from
the restaurant until you get it right.
The menu may even give you most of the ingredients in the item's
description. Write down the information on the menu and the answers you
get from the waitress. Take a picture of your plate when the food is
served and try to reproduce it at home.

And here is a copycat version Applebee's Hot Artichoke and Spinach Dip:

Ingredients needed -
* 1 (14 ounce) can of artichoke hearts, drained and coarsely chopped
* 1 (10 ounce) box of frozen chopped spinach, pre-thawed
* 1 cup of shredded parmesan-romano cheese
* 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
* 4 ounces of pre-softened cream cheese
* 10 ounces of pre-made alfredo sauce
* 1 teaspoon of finely minced garlic
* pepper (optional ingredient)


1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

2. Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl, mix well, and spread
the mixture into a small baking dish

3. Bake for approx. 25-30 minutes or until all the cheese is melted

4. Serve with bread

However you reproduce the recipe of your favorite restaurant food, be sure
you write it down so that you can prepare it as often as you like and get
the same results every time you make it. Have fun copying that next
Applebees recipe!

Amitabh Bachan – Prediction based on Name and Nakshatra

Shri Amitabh Bachchan was born in Allahabad on 11.10.1942 at 16:00:00 hrs.

Astrology is a complex science where we all know that Moon affects the
tide of the oceans, the birds migrate during various seasons, and Sun has
an impact on the energy and the flow of river Nile. This has been observed
by Scientists since centuries and the complex Solar system has an impact
on the functioning of the earth. We, as human beings are also a part of
this system and thus the vibrations generated by various activities in the
solar system though impact us. The deep essentials of astrology and what I
term as non-essentials have to be differentiated.

In the analysis of Shri Amitabh Bhachan, I believe that the importance
should be given to the intrinsic nature with which a person is born and
this shapes his actions and thus destiny. Here, I am analyzing the impact
of the word `Amitabh' and the constellation or nakshatra in which he was
borne. This gives a broad and a fairly accurate analysis of the inherent
traits of the person which is the core.

Numerological Meaning of `Amitabh'

[Gender: M=Male, FLN (First Letter Number) : 1, EN (Expression Number): 9,
SN (Soul Urge Number) : 11/2, PN (Persona Number): 7, RN (Recurring
Numbers) : 1,2 ]

Inspiration and intuition figure very prominently in Amitabh's thinking
processes, decisions and actions. Friendly, frank, unorthodox, empathetic,
charismatic, inspiring, kind, courageous and generous, he finds it
difficult to limit himself to a restricted group whether in personal,
social or professional life. A philosopher, he is greatly interested in
understanding others' behavior and reasons for unique ways of thinking. As
most of the numeric values associated with his name are odd, it is likely
that Amitabh will be driven more by the dynamic master number 11 in his
soul urge rather than the quieter and passive 2. The number 11 enhances
his ability to excel in creative or artistic endeavors. It increases a
desire for community service and Amitabh will gain more serenity of mind
and a deep satisfaction when he performs selfless service for the greater
good. Gifted with the ability to communicate and project thoughts in a
creative fashion, he can be instrumental in helping people bring positive
change into their lives. If he decides to work on this talent for a
profession, he could prove to be a dynamic teacher or counselor. When he
is more artistic, his work can touch others' lives in inspiring ways. If
in business, Amitabh can be quite the confident and aggressive go-getter,
and its quite possible that his work will make him travel extensively. The
first letter number 1 brings self-control and the expression number 9 can
make him quite impulsive. He may therefore easily sway between the
extremes of immediately acting on his instincts and in the other extreme
exercising self-control in order to think things carefully and thoroughly
before taking any action. Amitabh's partner should understand his need to
reach out to more people and should be able to keep up with his
ever-expanding social network.

The number 1 and 2 recur twice each in Amitabh's name heightening his
imagination and thus creativity and intuition. All his numbers considered
together indicate an outstanding diplomat.

Considering the date, month and year are accurate; his Moon is at 10.19'
and thus ruled by Swati Nakshtra, which ruled by Rahu.

Ancient Vedic seers associated a lot of importance to this bright star and
saw it as the abode of Saraswati, the goddess of learning. Its Symbol is a
`young plant shoot blown by the wind' Its main presiding Deity, is Vayu,
the god of wind. He is one of the five main gods residing in Swarga
(heavenly astral plane), who are responsible for taking care of the five
main elements of nature – earth, wind, fire, water and ether. "Balance" is
the keyword for native born under the strong influence of this nakshatra.
Balance is a double-edged sword and many Swati types are seen to avoid
taking any stance on any matter due to their extreme need to maintain
harmony. Mode of Functioning of the native of Swati is more of a "wait and
watch" rather than a "run and get it" types of nakshatra. In Gender, it is
a Female nakshatra. Swati represents the female aspect of its planetary
ruler, Rahu. The second Pada or Quarter of this asterism 10o00' – 13o20'
Libra falls in Capricorn Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. This pada
embodies the material aspect of Swati's functioning. It is the most rooted
among the four padas and thus to an extent lacks Swati's inherent
fragility. The concerns here are stability and material growth. It can be
deemed as selfish when it comes to personal comforts and other forms of
materiality. Planets here give a sound business sense. This nakshatra
reflects High Cliffs; Places where winds blow strongly; Agricultural land;
Coral reefs; Marketplace; Business Centres; Banks; Financial Institutions;
Sport Complexes; Airports (both civil and military) etc. The Orientation &
Disposition of this nakshatra shows that it is a level nakshatra. Falling
in the heart of Libra, it has a balancing quality. It thus relays the
diplomatic, pleasing side of Rahu. It can always compromise to achieve its
eventual ends. It can be seen as a combined Venus and Rahu energy and
relays the Venusian side of Rahu's functioning. This makes it good in most
Venusian related pursuits like music. Inauspicious Activities under this
nakshatra : Not good for travel; Fierce or warlike activities; any type of
aggressive behaviour is not likely to pay off in this nakshatra. Under the
Planetary Ruler: The primarily materialistic energy of Rahu and Venus
combined gives Swati natives success in Venusian business pursuits. In its
negative aspect, natives under the heavy influence of this nakshatra can
become a slave to their desires and are guided by greed and deceit to gain
their ends. Rahu has a diplomatic nature, which is very similar to that of
Venus. Rahu, like Venus, is by nature a social planet and enjoys company.
Rahu is supposed to give an artistic temperament in much the same way as
Venus, but as always with Rahu, there is a touch of unorthodoxy involved.
Remedial: Repetition of the root mantras of this nakshatra – "Om Lam", "Om
Ksham", "Om Am" and "Om Aam" 108 times when Moon transits this nakshatra
and in its corresponding lunar month is sure to reduce suffering and bring
enlightenment into a person's life. There are Examples like Amitabh
Bachan, many commercial king pins, Nelson Rockefeller has his Moon placed
in Swati and Mark Twain, the famous author and social commentator, was
born with his Ascendant, Mercury and Saturn in Swati.

Nintendo Games - The Easy and Secure Way For a Successful Wii Game Backup

It's a lazy summer afternoon, and you would rather die than go out in that
heat. Instead, you resume sitting on the couch and playing your favorite
Wii game. You get up for a second, just to refill your glass with iced
tea. In a flash, the cat jumps around, pushes the eject button somehow,
scratches the game DVD and then sits unwary on the couch. By the time you
return and try to resume the game, the disk is already ruined, and all you
can see is a big error message. Unreal? Maybe, but the need of Wii game
backup disks is real and so is the possibility of ending up with a ruined
original disk when you least expect it.

The only problem is that Nintendo disks are not easy to copy with a normal
burner. This is where the featured Wii game backup software comes into
action, as it is the only way of getting viable copies of the original
disks. There are a lot of such software programs available to purchase,
but you will have to be careful when you choose your copy, because not all
are as good as they claim to be. Fully reading specs and feature
specifications will reduce the risk of getting something you don't really

A suitable Wii game backup program will provide clean and full game
copies, which you can later use each time you want to play on your
console. But the quality and reliability of your backup disks also depends
on the DVD blanks you use. Buying the cheapest ones will not be the
answer. It's best to spend half a dollar more and buy better blanks if you
want to have a fault free Wii game backup.

You should also take into consideration the condition and speed of the DVD
burner you want to use. If you have an old DVD writer, there are great
chances it will not be able to finish all disks properly, and it will
surely read wrongly some of them. The DVD unit used has to be clean and
the writing speed should not go over 4 - 8 x maximum, for best Wii game
backup results.


วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Several Monster Skills For Playing Lotro

A monster skill is a skill that is only equipped and used by 'monsters'
(hostile or friendly NPCs, including humans) in the game. They have unique
effects that players cannot acquire, ranging from simple effects like
Claim Resource to party-wiping destruction like Impossible Odds.

Monster skills cannot be taken by Mesmers via usage of Inspired
Enchantment or Arcane Thievery. Similarly, monster skills that are hexes
removed via Revealed Hex or Inspired Hex won't be copied. Instead,
Revealed Hex/Inspired Hex will instantly recharge. Most monster skills do
not correspond to specific attribute lines or professions and thus may be
utilized by various NPC professions. Players can only use some specific
monster skills while disguised as NPCs, like Junundu, Rollerbeetle Racers,
or Turai Ossa, as part of a fixed build that comes with the disguise.

When we are playing Lotro ,we must meet lots of monster players

So here are several skills available to monster players Lotro ,you can
have a look!


Get a Grip! Heals a fellow for a large portion of their health. New Breed:
Increases armor, morale and power.

Pack Hunter: Marks a target for the pack to attack, increasing damage
dealt to the target from all warband sources.

Pack Mentality: Increases parry and evasion and increases defense against
tactical and physical sources.

Dying Rage: As the orc nears death, he can spend his remaining energies to
launch one last savage attack against his foes. He becomes immune to
stuns, dazes, knockdowns, and fear as his fury reaches a peak.
Unfortunately, there is no escaping the death that the expenditure of such
rage brings.

Front-line Fodder: Increases parry, block, and evasion.

Born of Shadow: The spider cloaks herself and her nearby warband in deep
shadows. She gains the benefit of a bit of damage reflection and
mitigation to damage from Light-based damage. Only her warband can share
in this protection against the Light.

Eight-legged Menace: Increased movement speed and parry chance.
Hope thiese skills will give you some help and can help you make much more
Lotro golds !

Prepare For Yoga Practice

The practice of Yoga begins with the practitioner. We can each incorporate
yoga into our daily lives in ways that make us feel better, more relaxed
and healthful. The practice of yoga will help you develop an awareness of
mind and body. An instructor's role in the process is to provide guidance
and assistance, but to the most important component is you and your
willingness to begin.

Comfortable Clothing. Wear something that allows you to move freely and
comfortably. Clothing that restricts your movement or in which you do not
feel comfortable will distract your focus.

Be clean. Please come to class clean and without perfumes or colognes as
strong odors may distract you or the others in the class.

Come to class with an empty tummy. Eating too soon before class can cause
discomfort or distraction.

Arrive in time to begin on time. Please arrive in the studio ready to
begin. Turn off cell phones and pagers. Remove outside shoes before
entering the yoga room.

Respect the space. The yoga room is a place to practice relaxation,
breathing and postures. Be mindful that those around you may be seeking a
quiet space, try to keep conversations quiet.

Know you limitations. Yoga should be a pleasant experience for everyone
and each student will practice yoga at a different level. Your individual
practice and your participation in class should reach your personal level
of comfort. Pushing your body beyond its limits can cause injury. A yoga
class is not a competition, there are no grades; each student is
encouraged to participate at the level at which they are physically

After Class: Try to take time to practice yoga every day. If you have a
few minutes in the morning or before you go to bed, while standing in line
or sitting at your desk, take that time to practice yoga. This could be as
simple as breathing consciously or becomming aware of your posture. This
will help the body and mind integrate yoga from the yoga room into your
daily life.